WebNovelPet King40.30%


Karl invited Zhang Zian to stay in his house since he lived alone and his daughter, Reina, resided in Berlin. Karl's house was very empty, but Zhang Zian felt that, if he lived with Karl for seven days, he might become an alcoholic, so he politely declined the offer and asked for Karl to recommend a hotel to him that would accommodate pets.

Karl's popularity in the local area was pretty good. He found a friend's empty house for Zhang Zian, and it was quite a luxurious seaside villa. The villa was occupied only during the summer when Karl's friend was here for a holiday; otherwise, the villa was usually empty for most of the year. The keys to the villa were left with Karl, as his friend had entrusted him to take care of the place. Karl contacted his friend about the matter and his friend readily agreed. In exchange, he requested a photo of Famous with its paw print.