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A Curse

An ordinary night passed by just like that. But in an unknown place, something extraordinary had happened. 

An amazingly tragic war had ended just like that. 

Feeling the first rays of sunlight from the east, the few street lights in the patch of grass turned off automatically, saving solar energy to fuel the next night's light.

Zhang Zian moved his sore legs about only to find that his clothes and shoes were all moistened by the morning dew, chilly when the breeze blew past.

The center of the grass patch was a mess, the shrubs and vines all squashed flat and the grass looking like a blade had gone through it, folded and broken. Even the tree trunk as thick as a fat person's thighs was scarred. Two or three stone chairs were smashed to smithereens. If the police saw it, they would definitely arrest Zhang Zian for destruction of public property and want him to pay the damages fully… Thank goodness there had never been police here.