WebNovelPet King59.65%


Zhang Zian saw that Vladimir did not have any intentions of leaving, at least for the time being. He stopped walking, wanting to see what it wanted to do.

Hundreds of stray cats seemed to have anticipated something. Under the leadership of dozens of branch managers, they regrouped and arranged themselves in an orderly line. Although it was not particularly neat, it was enough to shock Zhang Zian.

The stray cats were no longer a disorderly crew, but a fledgling army. Thousands of cats did not run and scream, but instead looked up at Vladimir, waiting for its speech.

"Everyone did well! You fought a fight that we won! We overthrew the evil thing that very arrogant and bullied us for so long! Without the help of every cat here, we would definitely not have won the battle so easily!"

Zhang Zian's gaze flitted through the faces of the stray cats. They had muddy faces, but high morales.