WebNovelPet King61.41%

Trip Itinerary

As the conversation got further and further off topic, Wei Kang quickly drew it back. "As I mentioned earlier, it was during the New Dynasty that someone drew the scenes on the walls of ancient Egyptians taking cats to hunt in marshes and wetlands," he said. "This wall drawing dates between 3,500 to 3,000 years ago, and the cat in the drawing is still full of mackerel markings. There seem to be no spots to the naked eye, which proves that the spots did not appear earlier than 3,000 years ago."

Wei Kang turned to Fina again. "So, although there is no direct evidence for the pattern of mackerel markings merging with the dots, I personally think it appeared between 2,500 and 1,500 years ago."

There was still a long time before the plane took off, and Zhang Zian was not in a hurry. He watched their quarrels and admired Wei Kang in his heart. He had narrowed the scope of speculation greatly without direct evidence.