WebNovelPet King61.47%


If you started from Binhai City and head south, past the dog market and a few sizable villages, you would end up at a plot of wasteland near the sea.

This wasteland was situated between Binhai City and the other cities around it and took up a huge area. This area was a barren piece of land as the soil had too much alkaline. There was only a thin layer of soil on top. If you dug further down, all you would get were small stones. Other than the very few species of grass that were hardier, almost nothing of commercial value could grow here.

The value of this piece of barren land was extremely low, but there was something that this plot of land was very suited for. The government had build a gigantic waste disposal and burial facility here, and garbage trucks came here every day on the only road. They brought along a massive stench, kicking up a storm of dust, and upended Binhai City's trash into the huge hole before burying it.