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Chapter 1606-splitting up

After watching Zhang Zian leave, Fati and famous confronted the wild boars. They knew that the difference in number between them and the wild boars was too big, and it would be difficult to fight them head-on. They didn't want to win, but they wanted to make no mistakes, so they didn't bark or move, trying not to anger the wild boars.

From where they were, their line of sight was blocked by a row of houses on fire, so they couldn't see Zhang Zian's situation. They weren't sure if Zhang Zian would be in danger, but fortunately, he had Galaxy, old time tea, and Pi with him. Plus, his physical fitness was better than ordinary people, so even if he couldn't fight against danger, he could at least run.


A drawn-out scream came from afar. It was difficult to tell who made this out-of-tune sound due to extreme pain, especially with the interference of the sound of the wooden house being burned and collapsed, only a male voice could be heard.