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The nemesis of wild beasts

Fati was more than 20 meters away from the woman, and it was very dark around them. It actually didn't see the specific meaning in her eyes, but its animal instinct made it alert, because some details made it suspicious.

Both of her screams were filled with extreme fear, as if her life was in danger. However, after seeing her with his own eyes, Fati did not notice any imminent danger around him. So why was she screaming?

In addition, her dress was also very strange. She was actually barefooted and didn't seem to be wearing any socks. The clothes on her body were very thin, so it must be very cold to wear this in the forest at night.

Since Fati appeared in San Francisco and went all the way north, it had run and hickered to the mahogany forest. It had seen a lot of travelers 'clothes, the typical ones should be like Zhang Zian, carrying a bag, preparing all kinds of materials, and wearing waterproof, warm, and wear-resistant clothes.