Everyone Came From Jingdou

Gao Da's luck was not good. It was very bad. He knew a bailiff had sneaked away earlier at the noodle shop. He did not care because all bailiffs were cowardly people. In his judgment, it was impossible for there to be anyone of significance in such a small city.

He and his mute wife's reaction had also been very quick. Returning home, they grabbed their child and began to head to the city gates. The government couldn't have reacted yet. When they were half a li from the city gates, they heard the sound of the heavy gates closing, as well as chaotic yelling and tense orders. Gao Da stared at the city gate in the distance and quickly gathering bailiffs. His heart felt cold. He was very surprised.

He turned his head and glanced at his wife beside him. They had moved too fast earlier. There was sweat at the woman's temples. Her face was flushed with red. Her bright eyes were filled with fear and unease.