Risking It All

Gao Da's pupils shrank as he stared at the eunuch in front of him. Having carried out protection services for the royal family for many years in secret, he recognized the internal court ace in front of him. For a moment, he wondered if Eunuch Yao had also come to Dazhou. He took a deep breath. Even if Eunuch Yao came, he wasn't afraid. Through this, he knew the Palace must have investigated his whereabouts ahead of time. The situation he was about to face was presumably very scary.

The eunuch coughed gently and took out a piece of cloth to wipe at the blood seeping out of the corners of his mouth. In a raspy voice, he said, "Eunuch Yao didn't come. This is a matter of the court. I now follow and act on behalf of Scholar He."