The Mo Ya

Ever since Wen Leyang and the rest of his group had entered the Gold-Consuming Lair, the sky had been covered in dark clouds all the while. It was as if the sky was telling the Gold-Consuming Lair that no matter how fierce, how sharp, or how tyrannical the Lair's mannerism was, it would never break through the sky!

Thick and gloomy darkness was sinking firmly into the Gold-Consuming Lair.

After Little Chi Maojiu heard Wen Buzuo's explanation, he was stunned for a moment before he suddenly yelled out a surprised ‘oh'. He stared at the eighteen bronze statues, each with a different look, and stammered, "They're… they're all corpses?"

Wen Leyang nodded, "Their bodies have been invaded by the Metal element. This turned them into bronze-boned and iron-skinned corpses. They can never decay and they had died with their eyes open – the same as dying with a grudge! However, these corpses here weren't meant to be used to harm others!"