The Solar Eclipse

The two copper ants about the size of sparrows were rubbing against each other intimately while the undercurrent-like Metal Poison Stream surrounding the ants was like a ghost's shadow and rippled forward continuously.

On the other side of the Metal Poison Stream was a huge stretch of ground densely packed with hundreds of little monsters. They had the bodies of young apes but with hideous ghostly faces. They bared a mouthful of sharp fangs and howled without stopping. Several of these monsters were desperately scratching the ground continuously with their claws. Each scratch caused a substance which had a similar but dimmer color as the Metal Poison Stream to surge out of the ground. The substance resembled a poisonous fungus and it grew on the ground towards the Metal Poison Stream. The moment these two met, the earth-shattering sound of metallic impact would echo in an ear-piercing tune.