To Save Oneself

Wen Leyang had learned that the year 221 before Christ was the period where the Great Qin unified all the lands under the heavens. If people asked him when did the Great Qin unify China, he would most probably not be able to answer. On the other hand, if he was asked about what happened during the year 221 before Christ, he would have known what had happened during that period.

With an extremely doubtful expression, Wen Leyang asked, "What does the Qin Empire building its nation has anything to do with Grand Master Chang Li?" They were two completely unrelatable matters. He could not even imagine how both matters were to be related.

Wen Buzuo ignored Po Tu and spoke to the others, "We must go to Shanghai. We will figure it out when we reach Shanghai."

Wen Leyang was immediately reinvigorated, "How?"