The Giant Sword

The ugly youth Qin Zhui, who had just recently challenged Wen Leyang, was still sitting on the huge rock at the edge of the Gold-Consuming Lair like a well-behaved child, swinging his legs out of boredom. When he saw Wen Leyang coming back, he quickly jumped down jubilantly, "The pangolin did not come!"

Wen Leyang saw that he had not left and knew that he had kept his word. He smiled and pointed towards Po Tu behind him, "Found him!"

Qin Zhui was stunned. He knitted his brows, making himself uglier that it was quite scary, "So fair? So soft?"

Po Tu was angered. He gritted his teeth and glared at Wen Leyang, "You even left an ambush by the river?"

Wen Leyang laughed, "This is something important. No matter what, we had to find out Grand Master Chang Li’s whereabouts."