A Peerlessly Beautiful Man, A Wife? (3)

In the stone room.

Gu Ruoyun stared at the confused yet peerlessly beautiful man. She gently raised her eyebrows, "It seems that the mysterious power I sensed came from your body. Seeing as I’ve discovered the source of the power, it’s time for me to leave."

The man got off his stone bed and followed closely behind Gu Ruoyun. His long, silvery hair gave off an unusually ethereal look, it was absolutely bewitching. It gave him a completely otherworldly look.

Except that, now, a pitiful look appeared on the man’s peerlessly beautiful face. He stared woefully at Gu Ruoyun.

"Don’t follow me." Gu Ruoyun paused in her steps and exclaimed without looking back. Then she picked up her pace and fled from the strange place.

The month passed by in a flash. Many were gathered in the imperial courtyard. Just then, a light flashed across the formation and the youngsters who were sent into the formation for cultivation appeared before their very eyes.

Luo Yin searched for Gu Ruoyun amongst the crowd but could not find that familiar figure. She did not know why but she felt a deep sense of anxiety.

"Could it be that something has happened to Gu Ruoyun?" She wondered, "No! Impossible. Nothing could have possibly happened to her."

"Why do I not see Gu Ruoyun of the Gu family?"

Hun Fei’s expression grew cold, his eyes swept its gaze across the crowd.

After all, Gu Ruoyun had no ties to their Weapon Refining Sect. If they could convince her into contributing all of her mental capacity, they would be able to cure their Lady of her ailing body. So, no harm must come to that woman!

"Lord Hun Fei, Gu Ruoyun ran into a few spiritual beasts and was attacked in the Heavenly Spirit Formation. As a result, she lost her life. We don’t need to wait for her." The little master Ling sneered, he had already bribed the witnesses anyway. No one was going to out him with the truth.

"What did you say?" Luo Yin’s face changed greatly. She shot an angry glare at Ling Xi, "Say it again. Tell me what you just said!"

"Hmph!" Ling Xi sneered, "I said, Gu Ruoyun ran into a few spiritual beasts and was attacked. She’s dead. I saw it with my own eyes. It’s all true!"

"If you saw it happen, why didn’t you save her?" Luo Yin clenched her fists, feeling her heart trembling. Her voice grew hoarse, carrying an unmistakable tinge of rage in her voice.

"Save her?" Ling Xi stared at Luo Yin as if she was an idiot, "Why should I save her? She’s only a good-for-nothing. If she dies, she dies. What does that have to do with me? Allowing a good-for-nothing like her to remain alive is simply a waste of food and resources! The earlier her demise, the sooner she reincarnates. She should be thanking me for not saving her. Now she no longer has to endure the pain of living in this world."

"That’s right," he thought, "Gu Ruoyun is a good-for-nothing! Grandfather has already told me that that woman is merely a level four in the Qi Collection Ranks. A level four defeating a level five like me! She had definitely utilized the treasure she found in the cave to help her. Otherwise, how could she have possibly been able to defeat me?"

Luo Yin roared furiously, her fist landed on Ling Xi’s handsome mug.

It all happened so suddenly. No one had any time to react.

"Ling Xi, you bastard! I’m going to avenge Gu Ruoyun today!"

A barrage of fists rained down on Ling Xi’s body. Luo Yin’s eyes glazed over with tears, it was as if she was venting all of her anger in one go.

Ling Yi regained his senses at the sight of his own grandson being beaten to a pulp. He quickly ordered, "Servants, get that little bitch!"

"Little bitch, who are you calling a little bitch, you mother f*cker?" General Luo was enraged, stepping out from the crowd and shielding Luo Yin, "I am not dead yet. I’d certainly like to see who f*cking dares to lay a hand on my daughter!"

The atmosphere was brimming with an extreme amount of anger in an instant. Everyone tried to breathe as quietly as they could, not daring to make a single sound.

Just then, a puzzled voice was heard from behind the crowd.

"What has happened? Luo Yin, I’ve only just returned. Why are you in such a valiant state?"