Your Majesty (1)

Gu Ruoyun had intended to turn around and leave, but when she heard this, her stopped in her footsteps. She curled the edge of her lips slightly and a smile appeared on the lady’s pretty and delicate face.

"It is true that I had picked up Xiao Ye, but I did not ask him to follow me around. Why don’t tell me Lady Shi Yun knows Xiao Ye?"

"Lady Gu, I meant no disrespect. However, coincidentally, I have seen this man before, and we were betrothed to each other. Alas, he seemed to not recall that part of his memory. That is why I am reminding Lady Gu, that when you tell too many lies, they will be exposed sooner or later."

Her implication was that she was the one who got acquainted with Qianbei Ye first. However, by some strange chance, Gu Ruoyun had met him, which led to the current situation.

"What does the Lady Shi Yun mean by this? Could it be that the man who killed Ling Yi in a split second was her acquaintance? Only that in this case, the man had lost his memories and mistook Gu Ruoyun for her?"

"That is right. I did not think that Gu Ruoyun could be shameless to this extent, even telling such lies. That is understandable, considering a person like her without drop-dead gorgeous looks that can topple a country, how could she ever match up to such a peerless man?"

"Standing beside Lady Shi Yun, it is like comparing a phoenix to a wild hen! Moreover, who is Lady Shi Yun? She is the successor of the Weapon Refining Sect. She was a peerless genius who achieved the level of Martial King at a young age! How could she ever compare to Lady Shi Yun?"

The crowds murmured and looked at Gu Ruoyun with disdain.

At this moment, nobody had noticed a man below the restaurant. He clutched a feather fan in his hand and laid lazily on a soft chair, surrounded by maids and servant girls, exuding a beautiful and fragrant aura.

Instantly, the man’s attractive phoenix eyes gazed upon the lady among the crowd. He then chuckled softly. His laugh ringed beautifully beyond compare, a beauty under the heavens. "She is Gu Shengxiao’s good-for-nothing little sister? Interesting, this sister of Gu Shengxiao is indeed interesting. She has this rare talent, and yet she was taken for a good-for-nothing."

Tsk tsk, if such a talented person is taken for a good-for-nothing, then there would not be any geniuses on the face of the earth.

It is a general knowledge that a cultivator will find it increasingly difficult to level-up during the more advanced stages of their cultivation. There were some bottlenecks encountered where people could never overcome ever in their whole life. However, there are those with a certain talent who can surpass all the bottlenecks. Her early breakthroughs will not be as smooth as other geniuses, but as she proceeds to a higher level, her talent will be quick to manifest itself…

That kind of genius refers to people who possess a Spiritual Ocean vaster than anyone else on the face of the earth.

It was clear that Gu Ruoyun was such a person with that kind of talent…

A gleam flashed in his eyes. The man smiled silently, "The only person on this earth who can impress me is Gu Shengxiao. I wonder what kind of person can his younger sister prove to be? It seems that I have not traveled to the Azure Dragon Country in vain this time."

When he thought of this, his smile widened, "Qing Yi, go and investigate everything about Gu Ruoyun."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The girl named Qing Yi wielded her sword and bowed. Then she retreated and left...

Outside the Hundred Herb Hall, Gu Ruoyun did not say a word. Her indifferent expression seemed to outright ignore the other party.

It was at this moment when an untimely voice interjected.

"Gu Ruoyun, I did not think that you would be so despicable!" Gu Panpan glared with her round eyes as she spoke with a dignified air. She made Gu Ruoyun look like a demon whom everyone would slay, "Thank goodness grandpa had the foresight to banish you from the family! If not, would you not have humiliated the Gu family’s reputation?"

However, her voice had barely faded when a scornful snort came from the corner.

"Oh? The Gu family still has a reputation? Hehe, that's a first."

Luo Yin jeered, "Gu Panpan, this is no place for you to interrupt. You had better keep your mouth shut. If you make me angry, I will stab you to death with a cucumber!"

"You… You…"

Gu Panpan flushed red with anger. She spat out three words through gritted teeth.

"You shameless thing!"