An Early Stage Martial Warrior (4)

"Take this pill, Elder Yu."

She opened her hands to reveal a round green pill in the center of her palm.

"This is…" Elder Yu was surprised.

A Qi Gathering Pill? Elder Yu wondered. But hasn't her Ladyship already said to him that the Qi Gathering Pill would not have the ability to help him break through his bottleneck?



Elder Yu frowned. This was not a Qi Gathering Pill... It couldn’t be. The spiritual power contained within this single pill was even denser than that of the Qi Gathering Pill…

As if she heard the suspicion that was growing within Elder Yu’s heart, Gu Ruoyun opened her mouth and muttered, "Spirit Gathering Pill."

"Spirit Gathering Pill?"

Elder Yu’s heart trembled upon hearing those three words. He reached out with a shaking hand, took the green pill and slowly placed it in his mouth…

Suddenly, a wave of dense spiritual Qi poured into the surroundings continuously. If the effect that the Qi Gathering Pill had brought about was a thick mist, then at this very moment, Elder Yu was completely enveloped in a layer of fog — not even a single strand of hair on his head could be seen.

Right this moment, the spiritual Qi surrounding him flowed through his channels and rushed into his spiritual ocean, causing the bottleneck within him that had acted like a stopper for so long to shift ever so slightly.

Elder Yu was overjoyed. Only the heavens knew how long it had been since I have felt this kind of feeling. Years? Or perhaps, it's even more than that? I've always thought that I would be stuck in the final stages of a Martial General forever, never being able to break through to the rank of Martial King, but now…

This… this was literally a miracle! Elder Yu thought joyfully.

Elder Yu hurriedly sat down, crossed his legs and began to cultivate as he fought for every precious second of cultivation that he could get out of the pill. He was not willing to waste even a single second of it.

Gu Ruoyun looked at the green fog that surrounded Elder Yu, and a deep thought flashed through her eyes. Suddenly, a burst of noise was heard from outside the Hundred Herb Hall, making her furrow her brows.

"What’s going on outside?"

She glanced at Elder Yu and paused in thought. She then said, "Elder Yu won’t be able to breakthrough for at least an hour or so. I’ll go out and have a look."

Then, without taking a second glance at Elder Yu, she turned and left.

Right on, on the main street, Ling Yu glared angrily at the crowd with her hands on her waist. Her heart was filled with hatred. She would never forget that, just a month ago, this damned Hundred Herb Hall had chased her out, and swept the rest of her dignity out the door along with it!

The worst part was that, after finding out about what she had said outside the Hundred Herb Hall, her aunt had scolded her furiously. Even her uncle, the Emperor, wanted to question her for her crimes. If it her aunt did not plead for her sake, she would have become a convicted felon, rotting in the prison cells.

She could not understand it. The Hundred Herb Hall was just a small merchant store. What was so great about them, that even her aunt’s power would be of no use?

However, she did not need to fear them anymore…

As she thought of the person behind her, Ling Yu raised her chin and spoke commandingly, "Get Gu Ruoyun and that Elder Yu out here to face their punishments!"

Shopkeeper Zhao wanted to speak before he suddenly saw Gu Ruoyun walk out from within the Hundred Herb Hall. He opened his mouth briefly, then decided to close it without saying anything.

"Gu Ruoyun, I thought you were hiding behind the Hundred Herb Hall’s protection. Who would have thought that you would dare to walk out like this after being in hiding for a month!" Ling Yu sneered, hatred burning like hellfire in her eyes, "You killed my grandfather and brother, and then caused my family to become destitute and homeless. Today, I’m going to use your blood as a sacrifice to appease their spirits in heaven."

Gu Ruoyun had heard of how Ling Yu had been beaten and chased out by Elder Yu a month ago. Seeing as she still dared to return to their doorstep again, Gu Ruoyun could not help but raise her eyebrows. Her gaze then moved to the man dressed in black, who stood behind Ling Yu…

The man’s body was completely covered in black clothing. Even his face could not be seen, but…

Gu Ruoyun smiled coldly. It's no wonder that Ling Yu would dare to return to the Hundred Herb Hall. She had this man to back her up.

A Martial King!

She didn’t think that Ling Yu could actually find a Martial King. The power held by Martial Kings were so strong, that they could completely dominate the entire Azure Dragon Country if they so wished.