An Auction That Shocked Four Countries (5)

Gu Ruoyun smirked - if this condition was so easily achieved then she would not have mentioned it.

"Then I don’t have any other ways either," Gu Ruoyun shrugged, "Even though I’m a part of Hundred Herb Hall, I’m just a small part-time worker. I don’t have much authority so I’m afraid I can’t help you."

Not much authority?

General Gu wished he could spit on her face. If she really had no relations with the Hundred Herb Hall, why would Elder Yu save her repeatedly in spite of the dangers? Don’t think that just because this girl did not have the kind of beauty that could ruin countries that she was not attractive. She was still very delicate and pretty, maybe she was just Elder Yu’s cup of tea.

If Elder Yu knew of General Gu’s thoughts, he probably would have been tempted to publicly flog him.