The Assassin From The Dark Yin Palace (3)

Qianbei Ye frowned; his face with those features that could topple countries and nations was clouded. A pair of bloodthirsty eyes gazed coldly at the pool of pus and blood on the floor as his silver hair and red robes attracted everyone’s eyes under the night sky.

"Xiao Yun, he wanted to kill you. This assassin was from the Dark Yin Palace so I’ll go and destroy the Dark Yin Palace, okay?"

The way he had said that was as if the act of destroying the Dark Yin Palace was as easy as eating a meal.

"Xiao Ye..." Gu Ruoyun looked at the blood-red eyes of the man, slightly taken aback.

"They deserve to die! Anyone who wants to kill you deserves to die!"

Yes. Anyone who intends to even touch her also deserves to die!

If everyone on the mainland wanted to touch her, he would not hesitate to start a massacre!