A Familiar Person (2)

At the Sixth Prince's estate.

In the distance, Gu Ruoyun could see a figure running towards her. The corners of her lips lifted up into a soft smile.

"Back so soon? How was it? Was your Imperial Father satisfied with your change?"

Hearing these words, Pang Ran was full of grievance and said sadly, "I don't want to talk about it, talking about it just makes me angry! I really doubt that I'm his own flesh and blood, he couldn't even recognize his own son! Before I could even speak to him, that man had rushed up to beat me up! Motherf*cker, it was so painful, I really don't know why his temper is so bad recently."

Gu Ruoyun raised her eyebrows as the smile on her face brightened.

This fatty had previously weighed 250 kilograms and now had an average figure, all the fat on his body has vanished completely. It would have been strange if Pang Zihuang had been able to recognize him at first glance.