A Son With No Asshole (2)

After finishing his speech, Lin Yue threw his sleeves angrily and made his way towards the door, stopping in front of Gu Ruoyun to stomp his feet. His lips turned upwards into a ghastly curve as he said, "My lady, sometimes when wrong decisions are made, your life could be entirely destroyed. Heed my words, my prophecy will soon come true! Your poor choice will result in a life miserable beyond compare! You will live a browbeaten life for the rest of your days! Hahaha!"

Gu Ruoyun had remained silent since she last spoke, only staring icily at Lin Yue.

"Do not worry, goddess," Pang Ran vowed solemnly, thumping his chest, completely ignoring Pang Zihuang. "I will never allow anyone to hurt you. When I become Emperor, my first order of business will be to send Lin Yue into the dungeon!"