The Xia Family Arrives (7)

"Hmph, of course the Hundred Herb Hall wouldn’t listen to my orders! However, you’ve impersonated the Master of the Hundred Herb Hall. This crime is heavy enough for you to be sentence to death a million times! Furthermore, the Hundred Herb Hall is now as bright as a sun at midday. Many powerful men want to win their favor in order to obtain their pills. You’ve provoked such a fearsome power, and you still want to remain self-righteous? Keep dreaming!"

Lin Yu smiled coldly, his eyes looked at Gu Ruoyun’s curled lips coldly, solemnly marking her as a dead woman.

"Is this guy an idiot?" Pang Ran stared disdainfully at Lin Yu, as though he were a complete idiot, saying such words in front of the owner of Hundred Herb Hall, even saying that their master should die a million times?

Has he taken his daily medication? Pang Ran wondered.