The Xia Family Arrives (16)

Zuo Shangchen’s lips held a touch of a smile, his indolent manner wrapped around the back of his head, his beautiful eyes shot a glance at the blushing Xiang'er, and lazily opened his mouth, " This prince enjoys taking up two seats for himself."

What he really meant was, he wanted to take up two seats in a table for four, and there was no space for her now.

Unfortuately, Xiang’er did not understand what Zuo Shangchen had meant. She observed the smile on the man before her, thinking that he had a good impression on her, and her heart began beating happily. Her eyes shot a glance at Gu Ruoyun who was seated next to Pang Ran and said, "Excuse me, miss. May I have a seat? I am the daughter of the Prime Minister. If you would give me your seat, I will give you as much gold as you want!"