Master Xia's Rage (5)

"A mere Imperial Prince dares to speak to me in such a manner? Is this how the Imperial Princes have been brought up?" Master Xia smiled coldly, "Pang Zihuang, how do you educate your sons? Such a jealous heart and such arrogance, how can he be an Imperial prince?"

Pang Zihuang stared at Pang Fei in disappointment. If He still felt love for this son, then He would have been greatly hurt and disappointed in the sins that Pang Fei had committed.

"Master Xia, Pang Fei...has long been stripped of his title as an Imperial Prince of Black Tortoise Country. Do whatever you wish to him, Master Xia. We leave this decision to you."

Once He said His piece, He closed His eyes and didn't even look at Pang Fei's frantic expression.