The Siblings' Reunion (11)

Xia Yu watched as the door slammed in her face. In that instant, she knew that she had indeed committed a grave mistake and no matter what she did, she could never make up for it. If she could do it all over again, they would never have listened to Xia Qi.

Unfortunately, this time, no matter how much regret she felt, it would be useless.


High above the skies, amid swirling white, fluffy clouds, there's a land like a paradise on earth.

It was the Weapon Refining Sect. A woman in snow-white robes was standing, facing downwind. Her robes fluttered gently, like a fairy, pure and otherworldly. She quietly stood amongst the clouds with her beautiful face fixed in concentration.

Behind her, Leng Yanfeng stared foolishly at the floating, incomparably beautiful, fairy-like woman. His cold eyes filled with longing.

But when he remembered his current situation, his vision became clouded with gloom.