The Siblings' Reunion (15)

"Hong Feifei, I've tolerated your antics for a very long time! Do you think you can do as you please just because your aunt is my Second Uncle's wife? Don't forget, my grandfather is the Master of the Xia Family, and the Young Master of the Xia Family is my father! You are only an external relative of the Xia Family, forget about you, I would dare to raise my hand against your mother too!"

"Today, even if anyone would step forward to save you, it wouldn't be of any use!"

The crowd was astonished. In their eyes, the Little Master of the Xia Family has always been a steady man. And now, he has flown into a terrible rage in public, lost all tender feelings towards the fairer sex, and punched a woman?

Look at poor Hong Feifei's face, tsk tsk. Even a pig's head looked better than that...

"Stop! Xia Linyu, you stop this right now!"