A Sensation At Heaven City (5)


Master Xia was trembling with anger. He was rendered speechless and could only point his finger at Xia Qi.

"Father, I merely want to take on the burdens of the Xia Family," Xia Qi smiled gently and stared coldly back at Master Xia.

It was as if the man before him was not his father.

"Xia Qi, even if Zixi was unable to go, Yu'er is still around. It will not be your turn yet!" Master Xia replied furiously as his face darkened, he angrily flung his sleeves.


Master Hong laughed coldly and spoke with disdain, "Master Xia, one of your sons is at death's door. But you have another. Your grandson can only inherit the Xia Family when all your sons are spent. Don't tell me that you want your son to swear his allegiance to your grandson? That makes no sense at all."

Master Xia's elderly face turned from green to white then white to green. His clenched fists were enveloped in a fiery rage as his fury kept growing.