Getting Even (1)

Gu Shengxiao stared at the young girl in green robes before him, his was gaze filled with a mix of complicated emotions. Long ago, he had joined the Spirit Sect in order to gather enough power to ensure her safety. But now, she has grown so strong that she no longer needed his protection...

Gu Shengxiao felt a wave of gratitude at the thought but he also felt a sense of loss. However, his original aspirations did not change. Since his little sister was now strong enough to take care of herself, he must also grow stronger. Then he will be able to shelter her for the rest of her life...

"Gu Ruoyun, we are from the Immortal Realm. Do you really want to make an enemy of the entire mainland?"

They yelled in panic as they watched the young girl, dressed in green, who was approaching them.