Linlang Versus Gu Ling (3)

Is that... Truly worth all of this? Wondered Gu Ling.

But unbeknownst to Gu Ling, in Linlang's eyes, everything was worth it as long as she could kill him!

Even the crowd was confused over what had happened and erupted into fervent discussions.

"What kind of attack is that Dongfang family girl utilizing? How can it be that a high-level Martial King, Gu Ling, could end up being caught downwind?"

"It seems that those attacks will not only hurt her enemy, it will cause harm to herself as well. Has she gone insane? Utilizing this last resort for the sake of victory?"


Boom, boom, boom!

Wave after wave of violent attacks was thrown at Gu Ling. The more Linlang attacked, the paler her face became. Her face seems to completely drained of color and blood began to flow from her nose. It was almost as if her blood was slowly being depleted from her system. 
