The End Of The Trials (1)

The old man, dressed in black, stood amidst the howling wind. His sharp eyes surveyed his surroundings like a nighthawk. 

A spark of hope ignited in Kun Nan's dark and gloomy gaze at the sight of the black-clothed elder, "Master, save me! Quick, come and save me!" He cried out hurriedly. 

The black-clothed elder frowned and rushed to Kun Nan's side in a flash. Then, he lightly touched his wrist, checking his pulse. Once he felt the energy attacking his system, the old man's face darkened. 

"Kun Nan, who did this!"

Kun Nan shot Gu Ruoyun and Qianbei Ye a hateful glare, "It was them. They murdered Shi'er and crippled me. Master, you must avenge me in my stead!"
