True Impudence (4)

The Honorable Sir Tianqi was thoroughly enraged. A vein burst on his forehead as emerald flames stirred from his very being. 

"Those b*stards from the Immortal Realm would actually dare to do such a thing! They've even allowed so many Martial Honors to gain entry into Cloud City! I can see right through their ploy! You, take me to wherever they are this instant!"

"Yes, Lord Honorable Sir."

Wei Yiyi hurriedly scrambled to her feet and sighed in relief.

She rode on Baobao as they made their escape and made certain that everyone else had arrived safely in the Dongfang family home before rushing back at top speed to ask the Honorable Sir Tianqi for help. From what she can tell, the only one who could save Gu Ruoyun now was the Honorable Sir Tianqi, an elder from the Spirit Sect.
