The Arrival of Qianbei Ye (2)


The palms from the two men clashed and a strong force erupted from the collision. A hurricane arose and the man's peach-pink robes danced in the wind.


The sound of tearing fabric was heard. The powerful wave had ripped Zuo Shangchen's peach-blossom-pink robes into shreds of peach blossom pink fabric which fluttered in the wind. He looked ragged and his smooth flesh, which was more exquisite than any woman's complexion, was now exposed to the eye of the sandstorm. 

Fresh blood trickled slowly down Zuo Shangchen's wrist. His blood trailed in countless red lines which crisscrossed one another as it dripped down his wrist to the palm of his hand. It soon formed a puddle of blood on the ground. 


The elder from the Immortal Realm spat out a mouthful of blood. His expression turned increasingly ugly as he glared at Zuo Shangchen. 

Then, the rest of them made their move.