The Arrival of Qianbei Ye (4)

"What are you trying to do?"

Elder Jiu's expression changed drastically, "No matter the situation, I'm still a member of the Courts of Hell, are you not afraid of drawing their ire?"

"Haha, who would even find out since all of you will die here today! I won't let any witnesses get away!"

Bai Xiangtian gritted his teeth and his eyes flickered with murderous intent.

He had been annoyed after losing the pill formula to the Honorable Sir Tianqi during the Trials. This would be a great opportunity for him to take it back so why should he spare him?


"Cough, cough."

Gu Ruoyun coughed and slowly pushed herself up from the ground. Fresh blood was trickling down from her chest while her delicate and pretty features were extremely pale. 

"Honorable Sir Tianqi, Elder Jiu, this matter does not concern you. You must both leave this place at once."