The Arrival of Qianbei Ye (7)

"Honorable Sir Tianqi, you're a traitor to the mainland!" Bai Xiangtian screamed at the Honorable Sir Tianqi like a madman. His elderly face was filled with malevolence, "If you insist on standing with these demons then you too shall go down in history for your infamy! You will be spurned by the world!"

Hearing this, the Honorable Sir Tianqi sighed again. It's best to keep my mouth shut, he thought, lest he continues to yell at me and refuses to stop. 

The rays of light from the setting sun filled the sky, setting a clear foil against the blood-soaked battlefield. It was a horrifically garish sight. 

Qianbei Ye was now completely blinded by his thirst for blood. He had no other goal in his mind except to ensure that these people will follow Gu Ruoyun to their graves!

It was no big deal to him to kill everything under the heavens for her sake.

No one on this world was more important than she was to him.