Murong Rou'er (3)

As he spoke, a cold sneer formed from within his eyes. He stared at the two of them mockingly.

"We had been invited by Murong Yan herself."

Ye Nuo rose to his feet and corrected Elder Er, "I believe that there is more than one Lady of the Murong family. Unless you're insinuating that the guests of the Second Lady are not guests at all? I, Ye Nuo, in all my years on this earth, have never heard of such a principle. Old man, do you no longer care about your dignity?"

After receiving this rebuke from a ten-year-old child, Elder Er's facial expression grew uglier by the minute.

"You had been invited by Murong Yan? How did I not know of this? Do you have any proof?"

Just as he spoke, the group heard an angry voice from behind them who was speaking through gritted teeth, "Elder Er, I'm here to personally prove this. Will this do?"