Running Into A Dog Along The Way (1)

These people cannot be allowed to remain in the Murong family.

"Elder Er, seeing as Grandfather has already given the Master's Seal to me, everyone in the Murong family should listen to my orders. They are my guests, nobody has the right to chase them away!"

At one glance, Murong Yan had seen right through Elder Er's intentions. She laughed coldly and issued a warning. 

"Second Lady, if that's what you wish, then it's not good for me to object," Elder Er shot Murong Yan a cold glare as his elderly face now became cold and icy, "However, I hope that you will not regret your decision! Eldest Lady, come with me. I wish to speak to you."

Then, without a further look at the group, he turned to make his way towards the direction of the Elder's Office. 

Murong Rou'er bit her lip and paused in silence before she followed after Elder Er.


The air was solemn in the quiet Elder's Office, carrying a weight of heavy pressure.