The Black Cloud Auction (3)

A pill formula, no matter how useless, is enough to raise a perilous situation in the Banished Lands!

Countless strong cultivators have flocked to this auction all for this sake of this mystical pill formula. 

"I bid fifty million gold pieces!"


The crowd immediately dived into a huge commotion. 

The starting bid for this pill formula was already at one million but who would have guessed that the first bidder would start at fifty million gold pieces?

Clearly, these people had come prepared!

"Eighty million!"

"A hundred million!"

The last voice was loud and deep. It drew the attention of the crowd to a private box compartment high above the auction hall.

"It's a member of the Wolf's Fang Robbers!"

Murong Yan's gaze darkened, "Unless I'm mistaken, that voice had come from the right-hand man of the Wolf's Fang Mercenary Unit, Qi Lin!"

"The Wolf's Fang Mercenary Unit?"