A Challenge! One Strike! (7)

"Eldest Lady, unless I'm mistaken, this thing that you've just asked me to swallow, is it a pill?"


Master Murong asked in a trembling voice.

"What? A pill?"

Elder Er widened his eyes in shock before shaking his head as he smiled weakly, "Master, perhaps you were mistaken? Pills? How could this be? All pills have been destroyed over ten thousand years ago. How could there still be any pills still in existence? You must have been mistaken!"

Just as he spoke, a powerful hurricane whirled towards him with a loud bang and threw him out of the way. 

Elder Er's eyes became larger and larger. He stared at Master Murong as if he was some sort of strange abomination which was utterly beyond the comprehension of mere mortals. He spoke and his voice was trembling with obvious excitement.

"A breakthrough?"