The Yeh Family Comes For A Visit (3)

He paused before he continued speaking, "Furthermore, you should know the rules of Black Rock City, Master Murong. Regardless of the dispute, outsiders are not allowed to touch a single hair of the heads of the citizens of Black Rock City. I've already made a thorough investigation on the guests in your residence and they are not from Black Rock City. I'm sure you wouldn't want to compromise the harmony of Black Rock City for the sake of two outsiders, right, Master Murong?"

From the old man's point of view, the old Murong man could not possibly want to shield the two outsiders unless he wished to make an enemy of the Yeh family. 

But could he be so silly? To offend the Yeh family for the sake of two irrelevant individuals? That's clearly not going to be a very smart decision.

Master Murong's expression sank. He fell silent as a torrential storm began to rise from within his being.