The Tomb Of The Supreme Ruler (4)

A threat!

Those words were clearly undisguised threats!

His meaning was clear. The Yeh family will definitely make their move against the Murong family in the excavation! At that point, should they run into an accident and die in the ruins, no one could be blamed. 

Master Murong's expression looked extremely ugly. He clenched his fists and nearly slammed it into Yeh Luo's infuriating face. In the end, he controlled himself and sneered, "Master Yeh, you're speaking a little too early. Who dies and who survives... No one will know for sure!"


Just as the old man spoke, a fit of wild laughter was heard from the foot of the mountain, ringing aloud through every foot of the ground.

The crowd went into shock when they heard the voice, including the members of the three great families. Everyone turned their attention to a small road ahead.