Tianfa, The Behemoth (4)


Tianfa roared angrily once again at the thought of this and the sound echoed throughout the ruins. Everyone looked completely horrified as they widened their eyes. 

"Murong Lin, this is all your fault! If you had given that woman to Lord Tianfa a little sooner, Lord Tianfa wouldn't have let out his anger on our heads! Bringing harm to the forces of Black Rock City for the sake of an outsider... Are you even human?!"

One man, madded with fear, yelled maniacally at Master Murong. 

To him, Lord Tianfa's anger towards them was all because of that old man's hesitation!

Master Murong's expression was particularly ugly now. His sharp eyes swept across every face in the crowd but he does not have the time to give the group a good talking to. He directed his vigilant gaze towards Tianfa the behemoth. 

"Tianfa is indeed powerful and we are no match for him! But if we work together, we might stand a chance at survival!"