The Lord of Amethyst Underworld Palace (2)


Just then, the door burst open and a disciple of the Amethyst Underworld Palace rushed in. He joined his fists and exclaimed, "Elder Jiu, something has happened to the Lord of the Palace!"


Elder Jiu did not even have the time to recompose his elated expression and was immediately shaken by the news. He immediately rose from his bed and grabbed the disciple by his lapels, "What did you say?"

Elder Jiu, the Lord of the Palace had been poisoned by the Swamplands. He's now in a coma. Many doctors have already examined him and they have concluded that it's no use! Now, Elder Da has gone to the Medicine Order and asked the Order Master for help."


Elder Jiu released his grip and fell silent. After a long pause, he turned to face Gu Ruoyun and bowed deeply, "Lady Gu, please help us save the Lord of the Palace."

This is the first time he's ever had to beg anyone!