The War Of Gods And Demons (1)

The sun was setting in the west and the afterglow of twilight illuminated the whole of Dongfang City.

At this moment, outside the Dongfang household's gate, a figure drenched in blood fell to the ground with a loud thud. A white muslin had been draped over her face but now, even the white muslin has been stained red with blood. She pleaded in a frail and weak voice, "Please report to Lady Gu, tell her... Wu Yue of the Medicine Order requests for an audience."

The two guards at the door jumped in fright. They looked at each other before one of them hurried off to inform Gu Ruoyun. 

In the blink of an eye, a figure dressed in green was led by the guard towards them, reaching Wu Yue in about three steps.

"Wu Yue!"

Gu Ruoyun was stunned and she furrowed her brows as she helped the woman on the ground to her feet. She then quickly gave her a pill, "What happened? What happened to you? Has something happened in the Medicine Order?" She asked.