Exterminating The Immortal Realm (4)

A wild wind rose, surrounding the two.

Soon, the crowd watched as the Immortal Master's sword fell, piercing through Gu Ruoyun's chest.


The sword had pierced through the woman's chest but the strange thing was, when the blade had gone through, there was no blood.

Instantly, the Immortal Master narrowed his eyes and furrowed his brows at the slowly dissolving figure.

"An afterimage?"

The crowd was in shock. They never thought that this woman, whose chest had just been pierced by the Immortal Master's sword, could create an afterimage.


Feeling a gust of wind behind him, the Immortal Master scoffed coldly before hurriedly turning around to raise his sword and block the attack. The woman behind him was instantly sent stumbling back and a trail of fresh blood trickled down from the corner of her lips.
