Zixie Returns (2)


Before Zixie's death, he had already reached adulthood! Despite the fact that his powers had decreased substantially due to some unknown reasons, that had not changed the fact that he was an adult!

How powerful was his foe to have caused Zixie such severe injuries and the regression of his powers?

"I'm now a kid so you shouldn't bully me."

The little boy smiled innocently but his purple eyes displayed an unmasked demonic air.

"I feel a little awkward with this smaller version of Zixie." Gu Ruoyun shrugged. Suddenly, she smiled, "Why don't I call you Xiao Zixie from now on? Now, can you tell me how we can recover Yu'er's arm?"

Zixie has come back to life, he must have a way. 

"Wait until you've reached the rank of a Martial Supreme. Once you've broken through to become a Martial Supreme, you'll be able to bring a dead man back to life and to regrow flesh and bones."

A Martial Supreme?