The End (1)

"If it wasn't for the fact that the demons had attacked in waves, the battle might have ended even sooner! Perhaps she was waiting for their leader to show up."

"Kill! Let's kill the remaining demons and forever end any future disasters!"

After everyone had regained their senses, they waved their weapons and charged towards the demons' lair. Since the demon's leader has been killed, in order to prevent another leader from rising up, they must exterminate all of them. None will be spared!

Gu Shengxiao slowly turned around and stared at the woman's figure from far away. His cool, dark eyes sank.

Yun'er, how many more secrets are you keeping from me?

Why do I keep having this feeling that you've become another person?


In the tent.

Xiao Zixie cocked his head and stared at Gu Ruoyun who was packing her things, "Yun'er, why didn't you let me fight?"