The Rage Of The Snow Spirit Wolves (2)

The Snow Spirit Wolves did not seem to hear the man in red's words as they howled and charged forward. As they began their attack, the snowfield instantly filled with a layer of thick, white fog which lowered the temperature by a few degrees.

Bai Yin clutched the sword in her hand and stared nervously at the oncoming Snow Spirit Wolves. The space between her brows was on full alert.


The man in red raised and lowered his hand slowly under the clear and cold moonlit sky.

After hearing his order, everyone there drew their weapons and charged towards the Snow Spirit Wolves, completely disregarding their large numbers.

Such was the way of the people of Red Lotus Territory!

In this territory, they would only listen to the man in red's every order! Even if the Grand Lord had asked them to die, they would end their life without hesitation.