Supreme Jin (3)

The man in red laughed coldly, "I'd advise you to consider your own safety a little better, lest you end up dying in the claws of these spiritual beasts if I don't kill you myself. As for my daughter, you need not trouble yourself. Was your last loss not enough for you? Would you like to have another go?"

Yu Xinglong's expression changed. He scoffed, turned around, and no longer looked at the man in red.

"Hehe. My Lady, you're probably not aware of the matters concerning this Yu Xinglong, right?"

Suddenly, a voice spoke up from the side, interrupting Gu Ruoyun's thoughts.

Gu Ruoyun jumped and turned around. Her astonished gaze landed on the man standing next to her. 

If I remember correctly, Godfather had addressed him as Xue Kuang yesterday.