An Old Friend (2)

These two are my acquaintances. If this had purely been about those medicinal herbs, I would not have bothered to meddle! However, I can't leave them in the lurch! The destroyed medicinal herbs were only an excuse for me to step in.

"Miss, thank you for saving us."

Mo Shangfei released the Little Princess from his embrace and approached Gu Ruoyun. He joined his fists together and bowed, "I, Mo Shangfei, will return this debt one day."

"Mo Shangfei?"

Gu Ruoyun smiled calmly, "There's no need to thank me. Come to think of it, I have some connection to the Mo family."

She thought that the entire Mo family had been annihilated during that fateful year. She never expected that there would be a survivor. This means that her maternal grandfather was left with one bloodline and that no matter what, she had to protect this last remaining descendant.

Mo Shangfei was stunned and he stared in confusion at Gu Ruoyun.