The First Meeting (3)

"Hmph!" Xia Ming scoffed coldly. His eyes darted back and forth before he asked, "Do you know who this woman is? She knows that the Xia family has Supreme Jin's support yet she dares to act with such arrogance. I don't know if she's really that stupid or if another person is backing her. I'm going to send someone to investigate that woman's origins. If she doesn't have much power, we can just kill her off! As for that little boy, if Ling'er likes him, give him to her."

Xia Ming's gaze softened as he turned towards the little girl who was wailing pitifully in his arms.

"Anyone whom my precious baby daughter has taken a fancy to is very fortunate. Whoever Ling'er likes, no matter who it is, Daddy will snatch him back for you. Alright?"

Xia Chuling stopped crying and blinked at Xia Ming.

At this moment, she remembered Xiao Zixie's beautiful and adorable little face. She nodded, "Alright Daddy, snatch him back for me. But, will he like me?"