Qianbei Ye Returns (2)

Qianbei Ye glared icily at Lu Chen. With that one look, Lu Chen felt as if a fist had grabbed his heart and was twisting it fiercely. His face drained of color and he spat out a mouthful of blood. He then stared in shock at the red-robed silver-haired man.

"Now that I know that you're Lu Chen, you'll not be leaving today."

The silver-haired man slowly raised his hand and Lu Chen instantly fell into his grasp. His voice then rang out, echoing through the streets for a very long time.

"Let the Xia family come!"

He would never forget how Gu Ruoyun had died in her past life! She had been hurt by those she had trusted the most and was forced to watch helplessly as her younger brother was dismembered alive! Hence, he would never allow anyone who had harmed her walk free!

"Yun'er, let's go."

Qianbei Ye turned around and placed his hand on Gu Ruoyun's waist before they headed towards the tavern.